Frequently Asked Questions

Find answers to the most commonly asked questions about Supporting Wellbeing. If you cannot find the answer you are looking for, contact

I’ve never delivered land-based training, but I want to. Can I take the Supporting Wellbeing training?


Do I get a certificate for completing the training?

We will provide a non-accredited certificate.

Can I become a facilitator after this training?

Yes! Once you complete all six Supporting Wellbeing modules, you can participate in a facilitator training.

Is Supporting Wellbeing always delivered on-the-land?

No. The training is designed and encouraged to be delivered in combination with on the land programming. However, it can be delivered in town as well.

Can I complete the modules at different times?

Yes! The modules do not need to be completed all at once. Connect with our team to plan

Do I have to complete all six modules?

No, although it is valuable to complete all modules even if you already have some existing knowledge of the module topics.

How long is the training?

To complete all six modules takes 30 hours or approximately four days without land-based activities. With land-based activities, it can take between five to seven days.

To complete the facilitator training, it takes 32.5 hours without land-based activities.

What qualifications do I need to take the training?

None! The training has been developed for people who have some experience delivering land-based programs, but who have little-to-no formal mental health service provision.

How much does it cost?

Currently, Supporting Wellbeing has funding to deliver four free trainings a year. These are being prioritized to Northern Indigenous communities. We are in the process of determining if we will have a cost in the future.

What does Supporting Wellbeing actually do?

Supporting Wellbeing provides the training and resources on the land programmers need to identify, respond to, and lessen the impact of mental health challenges.

How much will I get paid to be a facilitator?

If you are delivering the training as part of your day job, it is in-kind. But if you are delivering as a contractor, facilitators are paid $250/day.

Do I need a degree to be a facilitator?

No, just the facilitator training.

How is facilitator training different from Supporting Wellbeing training?

Facilitators In Training (FITs) will explore facilitation strategies, learning styles and how to manage group dynamics. FITs will be learning how to teach the Supporting Wellbeing training to their community or region.

I haven’t taught in years, can I still be a facilitator?

Yes. The facilitator training includes mentorship hours for you to get comfortable teaching again.

How much does the facilitator training cost?

Currently, it is free and offered once a year. This may change as we develop a strategic plan.

How long is the facilitator training?

To complete all six modules takes 30 hours or approximately four days without land-based activities. With land-based activities, it can take between five to seven days.

To complete the facilitator training, it takes 32.5 hours without land-based activities.

Do I need to be proficient with computers to be a facilitator?

You will need basic computer literacy skills to input participants and training results into the database. You will also receive training to use the simple database system.

What qualifications are needed to become a facilitator?

You must complete all six Supporting Wellbeing modules before taking the facilitator training. Then you must participate in facilitator training. Afterwards, you will be mentored with other facilitators.

How do I log in to the facilitator portal?

Visit the Facilitator Portal Login page, enter your email address and password. If you forgot your password, click “Forgot password” and follow the prompts.

Will I get a tax receipt for donating?

Yes, MakeWay Charitable Society is a Canadian charity registered with Canada Revenue Agency (CRA).

BN: 130560188 RR0001

Are there any perks for sponsorship/partnership?

Partners are listed in most of our communications. We have their logos in our workbooks for each training, our website, and any other social media when we thank funders.

How is SWB funding spent?

Funding is spent on various aspects of the project, including administrative costs, SWB trainings in communities, pilot trainings to received feedback from community, purchasing books and materials for trainings, and much more!

Where does SWB funding come from?

Supporting Wellbeing would not have been possible without the contributions of our valued supporters.

I can’t provide monetary support, but I can supply resources in-kind – what does Supporting Wellbeing need?

It depends on the training! Sometimes we need on the land materials, sometimes we need more staff capacity, sometimes we need facilitation materials, sometimes we need a venue or catering. Reach out and we can chat about it!

How will Supporting Wellbeing benefit my community/organization?

The training has countless benefits for participants and communities:

  • More access to culturally relevant, trauma-informed on-the-land training programs in the North
  • Enhanced wellbeing of Northern residents
  • Revitalization of connection to Indigenous culture
  • Increased capacity of community members to support own and others mental wellbeing
  • Decreased stigma of the use of mental health supports

Is there an organizational certification available if we have facilitators on staff?

We will provide a non-accredited certificate.

How many participants can join a training session?

There is a maximum of 12 participants per training.

Does it cost money to host training?

Right now, SWB has funding to deliver four trainings a year for free.

A member/employee of our community/organization has completed Supporting Wellbeing training, can they become a facilitator?

Yes. They need to complete the Facilitator Training to become a facilitator

How do I register my community or organization for training?

To request a training for your community or organization, fill out the Contact form

What is the purpose of Supporting Wellbeing training?

Supporting Wellbeing provides the training and resources on the land educators need to identify, respond to, and lessen the impact of mental health challenges.

What does Supporting Wellbeing actually do?

Supporting Wellbeing provides the training and resources on the land programmers need to identify, respond to, and lessen the impact of mental health challenges.